Friday, December 5, 2008


Just ran into an old favorite prof on the way into school. She asked how things were going, we chatted a bit and I told her the cliff notes version of what happened ("well, I was pregnant last year, and I lost them at 20 weeks") and I said it very matter of factly, but as she left the elevator, my eyes began to sting, and my throat is still tight.

I'm okay and I will be okay, but...



Anonymous said...

I think being able to say it out loud at all is huge progress, at least it would be for me. That's usually when I begin really getting my head and heart around a situation - when I can discuss it in an offhand, casual manner and not fall apart.

Certainly doesn't mean it isn't still hard, doesn't still hurt.

Hang in there...

Aunt Becky said...


Julia said...

Yup, it's like that.
I am sorry.

You know, when I went back to work and started realizing that I was having moments like these that would leave me raw, and also that I was walking around prepared to have a moment like this, I decided I needed something I could have reliably in my work day that was all for me. Something I could have every day. I settled on a latte. I never used to be a big latte person. Seemed expensive, for one thing. But that's what I came up with. Sweet latte, made with sugar free hazelnut syrup. So it was both coffee and desert. Coffee part was helpful too, cause it wasn't like I had a whole lot of rest in my body. Very long story to get to this point: is there something you can come up with about going to campus? Something that you can actually look forward to? No matter how small or insignificant, or silly?

I really believe my lattes saved my butt in the long months I didn't want to be there... My shoulders would relax, just a bit, with that first sip...

Mo said...

I agree that it is huge that you were able to even tell her at all, matter of factly or otherwise. I hope she responded appropriately.


Unknown said...

still hard to say it out loud, I agree.