Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So how does that work?

Now, I love my RE, but he has this saying on his website that says a child is a gift from God. I know this is some sort of religious thing, but I was just thinking about this.

If god gives people children as gifts, does it have to do with deserving? How does he decide? And what about infertiles? did they just pick the short straw? are they undeserving? Now what about dead babies? The baby part is a gift, but the dead thing, is pretty much a curse, or at least it sucks really bad. And is' it worse to have it and lose it than never to have it at all?

I know it's all bullshit, but it just occurred to me and pissed me off, too.

How do some people get gifts and other people get shit? Aside from all that "life isn't fair" stuff.


*P.S. I'm sorry if this was offensive. And my RE doesn't shove religion on anyone (at least not us). And as a doctor, how weird is it that there would be a religious-ish saying on his website?

It was even on the silver spoons he gave us when he released us to the OB. And yes, I have wondered if I should give them back. But that's just me being bitter. Or maybe it's the Kl.onopin talking.


Mrs. Spit said...

Oh Sue, it doesn't work that way. . . .

Not at all.

Ya Chun said...

I think that is pretty inappropriate for a doctor who is likely to have a fair number of patients that never get a nice gift even with his 'help'.

Tash said...


Not for nothing, sounds like HE has a serious god-complex. Sounds like he's putting himself in that sentence/theory.

Anonymous said...

For what it is worth, so many of us going through this awful process, with heartache, tragedy and disappointment come out on the other end realizing god is like a panacea for those who NEED a fallback position. Those people somehow feel better if they believe their truly sucky situation is "god's will" when it is clear that science, biology, the environment have left us in this position and no amount of prayer, good deeds, good thoughts, good living will get some diety, real or not, to "grace" us. The only control we have is to find our own grace, our own peace. As I approach the end of this awful journey, I have no doubt that everything I believed about god was simply not true. The reality is that bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, and average people often just have things they don't even know they should appreciate. Your doctor or his staff are surely insensitive for even suggesting that some get blessed or gifted and others are denied by a higher power.

Martin said...

I run the same thing through my head every bloody day.

Anonymous said...

Me too. Every day. The RE's practice of giving presents to patients who get knocked up is pretty shitty, I feel. Unbelievably obtuse of him....

Anonymous said...

wow. your post pretty much echos my sentiment. i know a handful of people (that do not deserve their kids) that pretty much have forced me to re-evaluate my faith or at least phrases like: every child is a gift or everything happens for a reason or (my fave) God does not give you more than you can handle.

right. that's why i am considering antidepressants, right?