Monday, January 26, 2009

Fuck Me.


Makes me feel great about my body.

Also? I hate people.


k@lakly said...

You know what, and I know I'll catch it from someone but, I think that is just medically irresponsible and to be frank, greedy to the point of endangering children. I can so totally understand why someone who has struggled with IF would have a hard time with selective reduction but at what cost. The article mentione the other 'octs' one of whom died and fails to mention what lifelong complications any of the surviving now 10 year olds have. Even with the famous septuplets there is one who is blind, and one who has some form of CP, the parents gloss over those 'issues' but ask any parent of only one child with a disability and you know it is not something you can just gloss over.
Women were not meant to have litters, they just weren't.
I hope these babies are healthy and that these parents can provide for them if they aren't. But I can tell you, living mearby where they were born, that hospital serves a community that struggles financially for the most part. I suspect the pleas for donations will be following the media circus that surrounds this birth.
I also hope the doctors discuss just how dangerous this pregnancy was but I doubt it. They'll be too busy patting themselves on thier backs.
I'm so sorry Sue. I can only imagine how much this hurts.

Amy said...

I'm with K.

I was watching this, this morning in partial disgust and partial awe. I can't imagine being able to carry one baby that lives let alone, eight. I don't want eight. I want one!

I'm sorry that the news sees fit to put this on the air and publish this. Goes to show what some think of as news!

Tash said...

Ditto K. Most guidelines and research now stress that a healthy outcome for ART is a singleton. Anything else is highly risky and hence irresponsible.

And frankly, I'm dreading the next headline on this story.

Betty M said...

Absolutely, ditto K. Totally irresponsible doctors. I'm sorry too Sue.

Michele said...

I disagree about selective reduction, I think it's wrong; that being said, I agree with Betty M that the doctors are totally irresponsible. Our RE would have a fit and wouldnt even think about goimg through a cycle that would possibly produce that many babies. They have an obligation both to mom and babies and, on this, I think they miss the mark.

erica said...

I'm with K, too. I'm frightened at the prospect of trying for one again. It's hard to believe someone would risk eight.

The Turtle and the Monkey said...

I saw this on the news and actually said aloud, "You are fucking kidding me?". Partly because I wonder how someone can have 8 babies and they all live (if they survive) and why I couldn't get two here safely. The other part is the fact that it is very irresponsible of the doctors and the family. No one ever talks about the struggles from prematurity and the other medical issues these babies will face.

I agree with Tash that I don't want to see the next headline.

CLC said...

K said it best. Triple ditto her.

Cliff Evans said...

Headline, schmeadline. You just know TLC is drawing up the contract for the family to star in their own show already. Fuck that.

loribeth said...

Oh, I so totally agree with all of you on all fronts here. No wonder people get these wild & wacky ideas about infertility when things like this happen (& then you never hear about the blindness, the CP, etc.).

Sue said...

You guys all totally rock.

During the cycle in which the boys were conceived, I had 5 (or 6) follicles and I joked with my RE about J&K+8.

He got visibly angry and said it's irresponsible to throw some at your patient and hope for the best. What makes good medicine is considering the patient's history, doing monitoring and being aware of the nuances of both the drugs and the patient's system. Not to mention considering the physical impact on the mother or the babies. Anyone can prescribe

Love my RE.

Anonymous said...

Yes. What everyone here just said. Quadruple what everyone here just said.....

Reba said...

That's what I said, pretty much--"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."

While I realize it was irresponsible of the RE and the patient to allow an 8- (well, they thought 7-) baby pregnancy to continue, I don't know for sure if we could do selective reduction, either. Just to be honest. I really don't know what I'd do.

All I could think of was, that woman managed to carry 8 babies for 30 weeks...and I couldn't even manage 2 babies for 17 weeks. :(

Anonymous said...


oh heavens! i just want God! just one!