Monday, April 4, 2011

Anonymous can go suck it.

I just opened two emailed comments on blog, 9:50pm on a really crappy day:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "This resonated for me.": 
dead babies are funny we love ded babies 

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Intake":
hahahahah you killed ur two kids


Fuck You.


Jessica said...

I'm so sorry you got such nasty comments! I am just dumb-founded that anyone would actually be that insensitive. Seriously...fuck you anonymous heartless commenetor!!!!

K said...

That is obviously the work of a deeply disturbed person. Sorry you had to see such garbage.

Sara said...

What K. said. Seriously. I wish I could erase those comments from your memory.

And I'm sorry you had a sucky day.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this fuckhead decided to dump his/her crazy on you. Please know that for every crazy MF out there spreading harm and ill-will, there are a hundred of us out here wishing nothing but the best for you, and remembering your boys with you.
Don't let this freak show get you down!

Ann.M. said...

Its just some person hiding behind virtual curtain, it being a computer screen, who's a complete lame ass. ignore em dont let it put you in a mood.

Reese said...

Yeah, the troll left one on my blog too. What a sorry waste of human flesh.

Michele said...


I've had some nasty ones, too... I try to just delete and move on, but it doesnt make it easier.

Glass Case of Emotion said...

Wow. That is disgusting. :(

erica said...

This particular troll hit my site, too, but with nothing so hurtful as this. I'm so, so sorry you had to read those things.

sharah said...

Holy hell. Delete those and do your best to forget them - and know that we're here with you.

Betty M said...

I'm horrified at the cruelty in that person. Delete and ignore. He is just not worth expending any energy on.

Illanare said...

What a disgusting person. I am so sorry you have had to put up with this.

It Is What It Is said...

I dare say that Karma is a bitch and has this asshole in her cross hairs, don't you worry.

Busted said...

Wow. Beyond sick. So sorry you had to see that.

April said...

I am sorry, that is just nasty and I can't imagine how some people's minds work... Ugh. I got some nasty ones saying they thought I made up my blog, that I made up the grief of losing my babies. I changed my settings so anonymous comments were not allowed!

Bonny said...

What a complete jackass for commenting something like that, especially here or anywhere for that matter. Just jackass!

wifey said...

Wow. People fucking suck. I am so sorry you had to deal with that.

Tash said...

Anon was making the rounds and clearly just went through someone's blogroll -- not only Alexa, but my friend Holly got hit too. I'm really sorry. It's not funny, and as I said on your hub's blog, I don't get where these people have time and brainspace to spend on this shit when I don't have time to shower.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, not that it makes it hurt less, but this was a random spray and you're not a specific target. And this community will always have your back.