Saturday, September 9, 2017

Stella's Heart

Stopped beating at about 5:05 pm on Friday, August 18, 2017. She was about 12 years old.

I didn't feel it stop; the vet did but she went sleeping, spooned against me, as I petted her silky ears, gently rubbed her face.

I hope to be posting something more about her, but since I shared her entrance into my life nine years ago, , I thought I'd share news of her passing away from it.

She started out sad and often apprehensive, but her spirit grew and it was a privilege to watch. Despite the many physical challenges Stella faced over her life, she stayed trusting and cooperative. Never did a tooth touch skin --  canine, civilian, or medical. The overarching adjective for her from stranger to friend to veterinarian was "sweet."

She was a good girl, no matter what she got into, tore up, or ate. She was there for me when I needed her. She was a good girl, heart and soul. And I loved her.

Okay, technical difficulties -- working from my phone. I'll post the others soon, maybe. In the meantime, here's one of my favorites, from October 2016.


Been there said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. She looks like a real sweetie.

loribeth said...

Thank you for sharing Stella with us. <3

Birdsandsquirrels said...

Oh no! I am so sorry about Stella. I remember reading the post when you got her. I can't believe I've been reading infertility blogs long enough for a dog's lifetime. Stella is a beautiful sweet dog, and she has clearly brought a lot of love to your life. Many hugs to you....