Thursday, February 10, 2011

I give up.


Michele said...


It is what it is said...

Oh, Sue~

What to say, what to do, from afar to lend support other than abiding with you.

Sending you strength to persevere.

Tash said...

Aw, please don't?

Can you talk about what's eating you today?

Anonymous said...

I'm sending hugs your way and wishes for strength to get through this.

Ya Chun said...

what everyone else said, esp. Tash

Illanare said...

We are here to listen...

loribeth said...

Sending you (((hugs))).

Sara said...

What's going on? Wishing I were there to give you a hug!

MrsH said...

Hi there,
I stumbled upon your blog accidentally, and read a lot of it and your husband's in one setting. Your story is very similar to mine, I also lost my baby at 20w2d after an agonizing week of having to make a similar decision to yours. I have IC, so at least I found out why. But I went through 10 iui's and 6 IVF's so far in my journey, and this was a hard long road for me as well. Only you know when it is time to give up, no one can tell you. But I want you to know that you are not alone.

Mirne said...

I've given up too. (((hugs)))